Whether you are a member/rider, transportation provider or healthcare facility, you have come to the right place to find helpful information about Bay Cities Brokerage Non Emergency Medical Transportation options.
Requests for Out-of-Town transports must be called-in within 2 business days. Transports WILL NOT be authorized if called-in after 4:00pm on the day prior to your appointment. Thank you.
Don’t have an account? Please call our Customer Service Representative at 1-877-324-8109.
Bay Cities Brokerage is dedicated to arranging nonemergency medical transportation (NEMT) for members of Umpqua Health, Coos County’s Coordinated Care Organization (CCO).
Call Toll Free 1-877-324-8109 to arrange your transportation.
Quality Provider Partners
Bay Cities Brokerage employs highly trained, experienced personnel who understand the unique transportation needs of Umpqua Health Oregon Health Plan (OHP) members in Coos County.
We collaborate with various transportation providers as well as a number of community organizations to improve the health and safety of the communities we serve.
Bay Cities also provides NEMT and ambulance services.
Providing Non-Emergent medical transportation to Advanced Health and Umpqua Health members in Coos , Douglas an Curry counties.